Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Marriage & Moving

First off, let me apologize for the lack of posts in the last few days. I don’t have internet at my apartment, which makes it kind of hard to post anything on an online blog. But, this is the perfect lead in to today’s post. It doesn’t deal with dating, at least not directly.

I live alone in my own apartment. I have no roommates. I enjoy not having to worry about other people making their payments on rent and utilities and such. But, I’ve been told that living on my own is the perfect recipe for trouble.

Right now I’m not dating anyone, so there are never any girls over at my place to get in trouble with. But, what happens when (and if) I start dating someone again? Do we just avoid my apartment like the plague and just hang out at her place? (Or her parent’s place?) And what do we do if she, like me, is living in her own place with nobody else? Do we always just hang out at places that other people are at? What if we want to watch a movie one night? How do we go about doing that if neither of us can be at the other person’s place? The person who has informed me that I’m setting myself up for trouble was my bishop. So, what do I take from that? Are young single LDS adults never supposed to move out of their parent’s house until they are married? That seems counterproductive to me. I guess we could all try to not move out of our parent’s house until we are married or until we find a roommate. But what if we can’t find a roommate? I’m not the type of person who’s just going to move in with a complete stranger. I want to know the people I’m going to be living with. To me, and this is just my opinion, the church should encourage people to move out of their parent’s house. It’s part of growing up. If we were to all wait until we were married to move out of our parent’s house, there would be some of us who wouldn’t move out until well into our 30’s, or not at all.

On the topic of finding roommates, I’m told that moving into an apartment with a good friend can strain or ruin that friendship. When you’re around someone that much, you start to find more and more things about that person that bother you, and eventually those things are going to come to the surface as a fight. Now, I might be crazy for saying this, but I think I would like to keep the friendships I have. But this puts me in a quandary. If I’m not married, and I don’t want to ruin any friendships that I have, how do I move out? According to certain church authorities, I shouldn’t.

Now, remember, I already have moved out. But what about those of you who are thinking about it? Should we wait until we say “I do” to say “I’m moving”?
What does everyone else think? Am I just crazy? Let me know in the comments.

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