After talking with a friend about my last post, I’d like to take the question that I posed last Friday about music even further. I’ve already talked about what might happen when you’re in a relationship and the girl doesn’t like the music you listen to. But my question for you today is: How do you get into a relationship with a girl when you don’t agree on something as simple as the music each other listens to? Usually, at least, in my opinion, you date people who have similar interests as you. Now, I know from experience that this is not always the norm. Some people can overlook the little differences that each other has and can make a relationship work with that person.
But what if, before you’re even in a relationship with someone, something as simple as music is already a problem? Do you automatically mark that person as someone who you could never seriously date? Or do you try to work out the problem? I would hope that, if you really like the girl you’re dating and really want to try a serious relationship with them, you’d try to work out the problem. Come to some kind of a compromise that would make both of you happy.
I guess my real problem with this (and the reason I’ve written two posts about it) is that, in my experience, most girls are not willing to compromise with a guy. Either the guy has to start listening to music that the girl approves of, or the girl is gone. But, isn’t that just a little bit controlling? I’m not saying that the girl has to start listening to music they don’t like, but can’t they just let us guys be ourselves and listen to music that we do like?
And just so everyone knows, music isn’t the only thing this can apply to. It could be anything: music, books, movies, etc.
So, what is everyone’s opinion on this? Am I blowing this way out of proportion? Or do I make a good point? Let me know.
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