Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A New Take On An Old Topic

Sometimes I feel like the world is a crazy, mixed up, backwards place. The ways things work have changed over the course of history. Instead of honest, brave men being elected President, we instead have smooth-talking, mendacious liars who wouldn’t understand the concept of a promise if it hit them repeatedly in the face running our country. Even in just the 25 years I’ve been alive, things have changed. As a child, I knew for a fact that girls liked boys who were nice to them and avoided the ones who were mean. It’s just the way it was. Today, however, the opposite seems to be true, which is what I’d like to talk about today.

There’s a very old saying that nice guys finish last. I don’t think I fully understood that saying until I was well into my dating career. I have my own version of that saying that may seem a bit facetious, but is more or less true. If dating is a race, then I believe that nice guys don’t finish last. Instead, nice guys get their kneecaps broken in the locker room by the head cheerleader before the race even starts. Colorful, no? I may have fully believed that saying when I came up with it, but I’m not sure how much I do now, but it’s still funny to say, if only to get people to question your sanity.

Several months ago my singles ward had a guest speaker come and talk to us about dating. (I think the Bishopric was trying to tell us something.) She handed out a list of the 20 things men don’t know about women and the 20 things women don’t know about men. Number 3 on the former list was “Women are turned off by men who are too nice.” The speaker elaborated on this by saying that men who are too nice are seen as weak, which is unattractive to women. Now, I’m sure that this statement isn’t true for every woman out there, but I’m also sure that the speaker wouldn’t have included it on the list without some sort of facts to back it up.

If you ask anyone who knows me decently well, they’ll tell you that I’m too nice. I’ve even had people tell me that me being too nice is going to be my ultimate downfall and will probably kill me eventually. I asked them how they figured I would die from it and they pointed out the fact that I care more about everybody else and their well being than I do for myself. I couldn’t argue with them, so I seceded from the argument.

So, what does a guy like me do to change something like that? I really don’t have it in me to be a mean person. I think I missed that firmware update. So what do I do? I’m sure there must be a way for me to continue being nice without seeming like a doormat to everybody and their dog. I’d like to be able to find a girl that is going to appreciate the fact that I’m a nice guy who actually cares about her feelings, her happiness and her well being. After reading that last sentence, I had to laugh, mostly at the world. Why would it be such a turn off to a girl to date a guy who cared about her that much? Has the world changed so much that kindness and affection are scoffed at while discourtesy and disrespect are lauded as admirable traits in a companion? Again, sometimes I feel like the world is a crazy, mixed up, backwards place.

What does everybody else think though? Girls; am I way off base in thinking that there’s no room left in the world for a genuinely nice guy? Have any of you dated a guy that was ‘too nice’? What exactly did they do to earn the label of ‘too nice’ and why was that a turn off? Guys; have you had any of the same struggles in dating? If you’ve been labeled as ‘too nice’, do you see yourself changing your habits any time soon? Let me know in the comments.

I feel like I’ve targeted girls too much in this post, so my next one will be aimed more at the male population.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Single Happiness vs. Relationship Happiness

If there's one thing I've noticed about myself and this blog as I've posted in it over the last few years, it's that both myself and this blog have matured and changed as far as our views on dating. If you've been following me since the beginning, you'll remember that I basically started this blog because the girl I was dating had broken up with me and I needed a place to vent my feelings and rant about dating. Since then, this blog has become more of a place to share thougths and feelings about dating in a more... philosophical way. I have also matured as a person when it comes to dating. I say this because, just like when I started this blog, I have recently been broken up with. The girl I was dating was unlike any other girl I've dated. She was kind, caring, and genuine. Although she broke up with me, I harbor no ill feelings towards her. I know that she did what she felt she had to, and I can't really fault her for that. Just  3 years ago, if a girl that wonderful had broken up with me, it would have destroyed me, my happiness, and my faith in the female gender. Today, however, as much as the break up hurts, it has served to make me determined to find a girl even more wonderful than the last. I know that the girl I'm talking about knows about this blog and might be reading this. If this is the case, I would like to say a few words to her. I want her to know that she was the best thing to happen to me in a long, long time and that I will treasure the time we spent together, however brief it was, for the rest of my life. You inspired me and made me want to be a better person, and I can't express how thankful for that I am. I want you to be happy with your life from here on out. Keep being the amazing, wonderful girl I know you are and you'll do fine in this life. I think only of our time together with fondness and I hope you do the same.

That really felt good; much better than I ever felt after one of my rants. This could really be a huge step forward for me.

Anyway, during the time I was with this girl, I thought a lot on something I was told before I asked her out. I have always been told that you cannot be ready for a relationship until you are happy with being single. I think this is true, but only to a certain point. Before my last relationship, I was happy. I was decidedly single, and I had no problem with that. I was happy with where I was in life and what I was doing with it. I didn't think I could get much happier. Boy, was I wrong. As soon as I started into a relationship with this girl, I became infinitely happier. Life went from great to fantastic in just a few days. This got me to pondering just how true that advice I was given is. Yes, I think you have to be happy as a single person before you can get involved in a relationship, but I think it's more about being happy as a person than it is about being happy as a single person. Human beings crave companionship. It's hard wired into us to want to be around people who make us feel better about ourselves. Knowing this, I don't think any person is going to ever be as happy as a single person as they will when they are in a healthy relationship.

These are just my thoughts, of course. I may be totally off base. What do the rest of you think? To the single people: are you happy with where you are in life? Do you think you could be happier if you were in a relationship? To the people in a relationship: How much happier are you now that you have that companionship? Let me know in the comments.

I'm going to try to bring this blog back to what it's former glory, which means I will be posting in it a lot more frequently. Watch for updates!